Making Sense of Crypto and Design From the Creative Mastermind?
CoinDCX stories shares insights about the day in life of every employee and a lot more! Today we have Vipul Kamble, our Marketing Design Manager to share his journey from being a philosophy student to dabbling into graphics along with his growth in CoinDCX

After completing three years at CoinDCX, Vipul Kamble, the Marketing Design Manager sat with the Content Team to share his journey from being a philosophy student to dabbling into graphics along with his growth in CoinDCX. Let’s understand ‘creating CoinDCX’ from the Creators 😄
The hour and a half that was supposed to be spent on interviewing turned into a fun session of just colleagues chatting together about their day and how the years have zoomed by in CoinDCX.
Starting this week, CoinDCX will go around and have a 1:1 with every employee to bring you a quick glance at a day in their life along with a lot more!
Diving into questioning Vipul, we first talked about how his journey led him to CoinDCX; which was simple. Opening thi, he applied and we got this amazing asset to be a part of our organization. The most interesting part of this obvious question was that CoinDCX was the first company where he spent 3 long years! However, this revelation got a quick 💡query; how crypto played its role in bringing him to us? To this, Vipul shared, similar to a lot of us out there, crypto was still not that widespread during 2018-2019. It was still working its way to enter its mass adoption stage when he joined CoinDCX. His quest for the amazing, ever energetic blockchain space slowly found its way in finding the hook for his connection to crypto. Even more than what the various crypto assets are bringing to the table, the technology and how it has helped crypto, metaverse, NFTs come to life baffles him even more!
Following the way about how he got into CoinDCX, it was mandatory to ask how Graphic Designing became a career of choice for him. In his words, while doing his undergrads, graphic designing was just an area of interest that showcased itself. While getting deeper into the designing aspect, he figured out that this was something he would be compatible with.
A quick realization, nothing is set in stone. Options and opportunities are right around the corner, if you are looking for it. Keep your eyes open, opportunities will soon come to be! Back to the interview…
Job, career path choose karna toh ho gaya, but inspiration kya tha? That might be the most probable question in your mind right now… and that is exactly what Vipul got asked! 😄
Very interestingly, the inspiration for Vipul was drawn from a famous architect, Antoni Gaudí, best known for his numerous contributions seen all over Barcelona. His way of thinking gave the world unique masterpieces, similar to how the majority of CoinDCX’s design has been a project of Vipul’s. His inputs have been the stepping stone to how creative designing at CoinDCX now functions.
Being a junior, I personally (hello, I am the one asking the questions! Hope you are enjoying a sneak-peak into the Marketing design mastermind!) am always curious about how the work ethic works for different people. To this Vipul answered something that really resonated with me. True to self, giving your 100%, work only till you can tell that you are almost going into burnout; that is it. However, giving one’s 100% is similar to fingerprints. No one person will have the same thought about it as another. Especially for people in the creative field, taking a step back when needed and looking at one thing from a fresh perspective gets work done a lot more effectively. 👌
As much as breaks in between work is an essential part, how do some projects or campaigns that are strict deadline oriented, work? To this, Vipul had the most straight and simple answer. Campaigns are a solid handshake of the messaging that needs to go out along with the creative push from his team. If you sit back and think on it, every advertisement you have watched till date makes a whole lot of sense, with a whole lot of clarity, doesn’t it? For example, if you go back and look at CoinDCX’s Instagram account, (shamelessly plugging it because the account is 👌 ✨) the posts about the various campaigns will make it so much easier for you to understand!
Now that campaigns and the inclusion of design got simpler, what about the vision of CoinDCX? Where the organization is always bullish on crypto education before anything? How do elements or illustrations help in that? To this, Vipul commented that given we are in a space that is still being understood by the people, keeping things very relevant and in tune to the core aim of the content helps in giving the design push it needs. For example, if you take Bitcoin mining as a blog topic, the intricate method in which it actually takes place will make it design-heavy and very complicated for new crypto people to understand. However, if the design consists of elements like these ⛏️🪨, it makes the whole process very easy to comprehend!
The talk about elements bought an interesting topic of NFT and Metaverse into the picture. Being the perfect person for its answer, we had to ask Vipul, how the growth of Metaverse had also opened some possible doors for designers. The response cleared a misconception I had in my mind… The Metaverse being a booming space does not guarantee that any and all designers will be able to take part in it. To get into the NFT or Metaverse space, again the basics of understanding crypto or blockchain becomes very important. Of course, exploring digital art becomes a little easier since creative design becomes day-to-day work for people who know graphic design. However, it requires a lot more than just that.
Getting real with how creatives and messaging get a good amalgamation from design, we ended the session with his two cents to the upcoming graphic designer. To this, Vipul said, “Be patient. Be ready to work on anything that comes your way for the first couple of years, because this would help in helping you understand your niche. Design has a lot of sectors, you need to understand which excites you the most. Also, one has to be ready for the understanding one needs to have to attend the requirements.”
That is it, folks! Keep an eye out for the upcoming CoinDCX stories!
Want to step into the exciting world of Web3 and Crypto? check out latest job openings at CoinDCX.
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